Thursday, October 14, 2004


And just in time for Halloween!

In case you are not a fan of Air America Radio -- and you should be -- you may not know that Bill O'Reilly wrote a book. No, not those books, I'm talking about O'Reilly's thriller, "Those Who Trespass: A Novel Of Television and Murder."

Now if that goon writing outright fiction isn't scary enough, entertain the thought that the protagonist (O'Malley?) engages in sex with underaged prostitutes...and describes it all for you in graphic detail... [[[shudder]]]

If this doesn't make your skin crawl... the book is out on tape and is READ BY THE AUTHOR... in the same bullying, patronizing, gassy voice that he uses on his "news" shows... don't believe me? Take a listen...

Just make sure you have all the lights on first and a hot shower with plenty o' disinfectants available...

or as an antidote you might check out this great website: Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, Intl., An Organization of Hope


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